Still trying to crack the code to building a premium copywriting business?
You might as well be Nicolas Cage, because the roadmap to becoming an established, high-paid, premium copywriter, with a business fueled by referrals & visibility…
Feels like it’s protected by bulletproof glass and lowered underground at the end of each day - only available to those whose rich grandfathers taught them how to read invisible ink…

But your grandpa didn’t teach you shit. (Mine still thinks I write billboards, but it’s cool.)
And when you’re in the weeds with high-demanding, low-paying clients month after month, just scrambling to keep up with the mountain of tasks it takes to run the day-to-day of a freelance business– it’s hard to feel like you could ever bust through that ceiling and make the leap to become the go-to pro copywriter for industry-leading clients...
Without famous connections or the resources to buy your way into the right room
Yet somehow...
All those other internet-famous copywriters learned all the copy secrets, became business geniuses, mastered their lead gen, filled up their waitlist, amassed thousands of IG followers, and flexed some mind-blowing case studies...oh, and they did it all from their AirBNB in Brazil.
*Spoiler: they did not.*
But no one will tell you exactly how
How in the H.E.🏒🏒 are you supposed to bust onto the scene as the next big thing when you have zero impressive case studies and no famous best friend to invite you on their podcast?
It feels like in order to become a well-known have to be a well-known copywriter
And you can’t seem to make “fetch” happen.

"I decided to take Brittany's advice and switch up my client acquisition process. I have enough referral work right now to begin focusing on visibility, so I am in full swing with this!
I've booked TEN podcast appearances this month with real estate leaders and have 2 more pending. Today I was having a virtual meet & greet, and he said he'd already heard my name from someone he really respected (another podcast I recorded), then asked me to audit his site to see about working on a rebrand and marketing strategy in the early part of 2022. He's already seen my 2022 prices, and I'm FLOORED that he didn't even think twice about it."
- Divine Bunch
Yeah, you’ve gotta be a good copywriter to charge a premium. But I’m gonna let you in on a secret:
There are WAY more “good copywriters” than there are good copywriters clients love working with.
The difference between the two?

I see it all the time: talented, effective copywriters out there sending out underpriced contracts, scrambling to piecemeal retainers together with one-off projects only generating $3K a month (despite hustling nights & weekends) - because they have yet to set up automated systems and a consistently repeatable high-end client experience...
All while working with the world’s most high-maintenance, low-paying clients...
But then again...maybe I just need to pay my dues. Doesn’t everybody?
I mean, money doesn’t grow on trees & you don’t make money for just being yourself (unless your last name starts with K and rhymes with Ardashian…)
This gig is hard, so it’s ok if I’m working my ass off, I’m “earning” the right to feel successful, right? Right?!?
(👆you tell yourself as you sob into a pint of Halo Top)
But what if you could work just as hard (in fewer hours), confidently focusing all your creative energy on high-quality work, for high-quality clients, at high-end prices...
Instead of sending follow-up emails, selling in the DMs, scheduling discovery calls, or trying to respond to that inquiry immediately after it came in, even though your kid is smearing peanut butter on your couch and dinner just caught fire?
- What if you could work with an exclusive & aligned group of clients…
- Clients like AND respect…
- Clients that don’t even blink at a $15K contract...
- Clients that trust you to tell THEM what copy you need...
- Clients who know you’re the expert...
- Clients that collaborate with you, not push back against you...
- Clients who respect your boundaries, stick to the contract and the scope, and treat you as a valued partner…
Not just someone who writes words on a page, so they don’t have to.

"Working with Brittany was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my business. Not only has she written pretty much all of the copy for our business (which vastly increased sales), she also made it super easy to work with her through her simple and streamlined processes.
From setting up the initial call to invoicing to information-gathering systems, all the way through deliverables and follow-up, Brittany has filled a huge gap in the copywriting space. I’ve worked with many copywriters, and never before have I gotten this experience. It’s also the reason why I refer every one of my students to her!"
- Rick Mulready

"Brittany was the right copywriter for us because she's just like us - on top of things, a go-getter with a positive attitude.
I feel so much more confident in my own ability to write strong copy after reading through all of the content that Brittany provided for us. It's so much clearer to me how I need to write to speak to our audience!"
The truth is... some people may never get to that elusive $10K, $20K, even $30K/month mark, EVEN THOUGH they work hard. Because there are always outside factors at play (and BIPOC & LGBTQ+ people usually have to work twice as hard to get the same results).
Even though they work hard. Because there are always outside factors at play (and BIPOC & LGBTQ+ people usually have to work twice as hard to get the same results).
At the end of the day working with premium clients requires charging premium prices... and the fastest path to premium pricing has very little to do with experience or case studies. It simply comes down to...
Providing a premium EXPERIENCE.
Setting up premium SYSTEMS & PROCESSES
Upgrading to a premium LEAD GEN STRATEGY
Because when you’re pen & papering it, there’s no way you can lather, rinse, and repeat a high-touch experience for client after client...after client.
And in order to do that, you’ve got to build out the upgraded business that brings in the right clients, delivers a premium experience, and functions on repeatable systems, so you get to spend your time on the high-level creative work and not hundreds of small admin tasks...
Setting up that business does take some work...but it doesn’t have to be pee-into-the-wind guesswork.
Because the code’s already been cracked (and it’s not a hidden national treasure).

"My business now has more focus and flow than it's ever had before, marketing is about 20 x easier, and by concentrating my work only on my high-ticket clients I've been able to balance making an income with dealing with the ongoing after-effects of a serious concussion.
It's been a lifesaver to know that I have protected income from those clients that I know I can serve within these more limited hours. The other reason I'd recommend the program without hesitation is that I've rarely learned from someone as absolutely transparent, ethically-rooted and willing to share absolutely everything they know as Brittany."