“I love that sweaty palm, heart palpitating feeling when I sit down to write copy with no clear idea where to start, what to write, or how to make words work.”
-Said literally no one ever
Raise your hand if your idea of a good time is staring at a blinking cursor, asking yourself “what is words,” and wondering which blog, podcast, or YouTube video you should Google so you know where to start.
At the end of the day, in a crowded market & a noisy digital world– you know you’ve gotta use the words that count.
When you’re selling online, you’ve gotta communicate clearly, intentionally, and honestly.
Despite what you learned on Mad Men, writing good copy isn’t sitting around getting whisky drunk while brilliantly clever taglines pop into your head.
And despite what you learned that one time in that one course, creating persuasive messaging isn’t just a matter of grab n’ go templates.
Your ability to skyrocket your revenue while creating maximum impact comes down to one thing…
...Your ability to communicate to your audience in a nuanced, unique, and personal way.
Gone are the days of overwrought advertising,
unbelievable promises, or shaming messages.
Hype & hustle marketing is as dead as the 2-week old avocados on your counter.
So what’s landed in its place?
Genuine, honest, connective,
and captivating communication.
And, even though talking comes easy to most of us...communicating deep, meaningful messages through the screen often feels a little more like walking through a pool of jello: sticky, awkward, and full of red dye 40.
So if your words are the things standing between where you are now and a wildly profitable business …
Or you feel like communicating your message online is like explaining “tomorrow” to a 2-year-old...
Buckle up, baby. Because I’ve got something special for you!
There’s an art and a whole lot of science when it comes to writing
persuasive words that lead to massive impact & maximum action.
And here’s the thing no one teaches you about copy…
Sure, wouldn’t it be nice if you could just sit down at your keyboard and clearly express everything you want to say about your brand, your product, your values.
But you gotta uncover your unforgettable message before you write a word of copy.
Because your messaging matters. A lot. A whole lot.
Your words are the thing that tells your readers who you are, what you care about, what you stand for, & why they should like you.
Which means you need copy that sounds like you & not a greasy salesperson who’s in danger of missing their monthly quota.
And if copy sells like that π ...then maybe it’s good copy, but it doesn’t make it good copy.
Writing copy for your own business is hard...and time-consuming...and usually involves remembering a bunch of tricks like value stacking and urgency and scarcity and price anchoring and, and, and…
But I don't believe in using tricks & gimmicks to sell people courses, programs, or products they can't afford, don't need, or don't actually want (but bought anyway because you convinced them).

I help online educators, course creators, and coaches rake in pant-loads of moolah online with ethically fueled and sustainably built copy that sells (not just sounds nice) full o’ personality, psychology, primo market research, and puns.
I’ve helped industry leaders such as Rick Mulready, Stacy Tuschl, Lattice Hudson, and Brandi Mowles bump up their conversions through our signature audience-first approach to strategy & copy.
Rather than using the old school marketing tricks, I go all-in on persuasion & sales techniques that feel fun, honest, clear, and value-aligned.
I prefer to just write the message people need to see in order to make a confident yes or no decision, rather than the gimmicks that get their adrenaline pumping and make them pull out their CC without thinking.
π Which sounds all kumbaya and nice, but if it doesn't make $$ there's no point in dying on that hill.
Except...it actually works...like, really well.
The crazy thing is, not only is that way of writing sales copy less sleazy...it also consistently leads to conversions wayyyyy above the industry average.
My client's sales page conversion rates typically (and I actually mean typically, not, “one time my client spent $1m on FB ads and this happened”) range from 15%-60%.
Industry average is closer to 3%-5%.
My clients consistently come back after a launch and tell us that support requests were WAY down & they've never had fewer refund requests or defaulted payments. (The added benefits of speaking and selling to the right people.)
And since I haven't really seen a ton of accessible and non-gross copy training out there, and ya know, be the change and all…
I decided to bundle up the fundamental principles of the copy strategy I use for my clients into an easily digestible yet detailed course so you could improve your copy skills without dropping $15k on a copywriter.

The foundational messaging & copy strategies to write high converting, personality-packed, ethical copy
The thing is, nothing is ever *just* copy.
Cause copy = words.
And words don't convert unless you know what you're saying, why you’re saying it, and who you’re saying it to.
This course is 2 parts strategy & 2 parts copy so that you can learn how to decide what words to put on a page, rather than just pulling from a bag of tricks that may or may not work for your audience. Consider this the fish, and the fishing lesson, and the fishing pole so you never have to go hungry start from scratch again.
So, what's actually in this baby?
I've broken down this method into a 3-step strategy for you to lather, rinse, repeat no matter what you're selling.
MODULE 1οΈβ£: The Messaging Strategy
Whether you’re writing a launch, a funnel, or a website, a lot goes into crafting a messaging strategy for your copy. But at the end of the day, most of it breaks down into two key principles: The Rule of One & The Stages of Awareness.
In this first module, you'll learn how to reverse engineer your marketing goals and hone in on the key message(s) you need to consistently embed throughout your copy.
You'll be able to develop a litmus test for yourself so you can be confident in deciding what goes, what stays, and how to optimize your copy for both clarity and conversions.
You'll also learn how to determine *what* messages your people need to hear at different stages of your funnel (because your funnel is a journey and people are not in the same place when they register for your webinar as they are on the last day of your cart close).
But then–and here's the best part–how to take those messages and actually plug them into strategic copy at the right points of your funnel or process.
So whether you're writing a webinar show-up email or a sales page retargeting ad...ya know what the hell to actually write.
MODULE 2οΈβ£: Market Research
Ironically enough, this is THE thing I get the most emails and DMs asking me for (I mean, like maybe 10-20 DMs...it's not like there are thousands of people trynna swipe up on market research).
And, at the risk of sounding like literally every other marketer out there: this is what my clients pay me the big bucks for. π
It's also the secret sauce to writing ethical and high-converting copy (two things that don't always sit at the same lunch table).
In this module, I share the exact process I use to understand the complex nuances of any audience both qualitatively and quantitatively so we can write specific, interesting, and accurate copy that causes the right people to hurl credit cards at your face when that cart opens.
This module also includes 3 key templates we use in the research & data collection process for our clients.
You'll get:
β A data mining spreadsheet so you can organize all the all intel you’re gathering
β An interview template so you know how to have mind-blowingly important convos with your people to understand what they really want and need
β A survey template so you can ask strategic questions that get to the heart of your people's real-life challenges, false beliefs, desires, wants, needs, questions, and hesitations.
β An over-the-shoulder data mining tutorial so you can see EXACTLY how I look for copy gold in real-time.
This process is essential to entering the conversation your people are already having in their heads. So you can whisper sweet nothings into their ear and empower them to convince themselves that they need your program (yannow...instead of beating them over the head with a BUY NOW button).
MODULE 3οΈβ£: Writing for Personality & Persuasion
NOW it's finally time to write some copy.
First, I give you 9 tried, true, and POWERFUL techniques you can practice to write sales copy and content with more of your personality in a way that leads to know, like, trust, and BUY.
The best part?
This isn't an all-or-nothing technique, you could use any one of these 9 strategies to instantly improve your copy, cherry-pick the ones you like best, or throw them all into your word salad at once for better, more relatable copy.
And last but not least...it's time to put our money where our keyboard is.
This final module is PACKED with copywriting formulas including:
β My 2 go-to copy formulas that you can lather, rinse, repeat forever and ever, amen (no matter what you’re writing)
β Plug n’ play proven headlines formulas
β And a deep dive into features vs. benefits and when to use each ('cause it's not actually either or)
With dozens of examples of real-life copy in the wild so you can see how to go from "formula" to "sales page" with a big old cha-ching.
And even though I think this is the type of content that can help you significantly raise your conversions...it wouldn't exactly be giving you the insane ROI I'd want you to have if I charged you thousands.
Because, 5xing something is nice...50xing it is better.
And if you could take your last sales page that converted at 4.2% or launch that converted at 3%, and suddenly have them converting at 16%, 28%, 54% (those are our clients’ real-life numbers)...
Without hiring me and my team for multiple 5-figures...that'd be a prettttttty sweet deal.
Which is why I’m committed to keeping this course both valuable AND accessible.
Please note: Because you have instant access to all of the messaging strategies, research templates, and copy training, all sales are final.

“There are so many gems in this course! I'm seriously blown away, grateful, and know this will be a go-to resource for me whether I'm having a lack of confidence moment or want to review to get my creative juices flowing. I'm so excited by the value in this course (that I'm repeating myself!).
Plus, I love, love, love the specific examples, strategies, and tips. The information was cleverly layered to highlight how the different components all work together to help you create ethical copy that helps you connect with your audience.
Your explanation of Stages of Awareness is the best I've seen (and I've read and watched a lot of explanations about it!).
I've taken so many courses that I could make a career helping people know what courses to take and avoid.
This course is in the 'Do yourself a favor and buy it now!' category.
I love how your personality is infused throughout the course, which not only makes it fun to watch but is like a hidden bonus course within the larger course.
You get to the heart of the copywritng approaches. Why these formulas are important. Explain them. Show them. And move on. In a blissfully succinct yet informative way. (Thank you!)”
- Shannon Whyte

“Now, I've blocked out each step of my market research process and I'm fine tuning it more and more each time I do the work. Brittany's templates and interview questions were so helpful for me to use as a base, then add my own spin to them. It's always so helpful to look at how someone else does it then take and apply what you need - which is the great thing with Brittany's programs in general.”
- Mel Kale

“Before I became a copywriter, I wasn't sure of what it all entailed. Basically didn't feel like I knew what I was doing. This course was a game changer for me!
The stages of awareness video blew my mind. That video alone changed my life. It brought a whole new perspective to the stages of awareness & helped me really understand the client journey so much better.
And getting to see more of how you research to me was GOLD. Period.”
- Brittany Herzberg
So. Are you ready to not sound like the door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesperson or Billy Mays on Adderall? (Don’t @ me...I’m on Adderall so I get to make that joke.)
β A market research framework that you can use to create streamline, easier-than-making-Eggos research systems and processes for your business.
β A super stealthy (and easy) process to gather allllllll the data you’ll need to create the sales copy of your dreams.
β A whole section on offer validation complete with customer interview questions & examples
β Building out a messaging strategy even your mom would be proud of
β All the know-how you need to create every piece of copy and content you’ll need for your business (and make it convert to cha-ching!)
Look. I’m not making guarantees.
And if you come across someone selling a course or coaching who is, run Forest, run.
But what I do know is if you show your readers (i.e. your target audience) how you serve them in a nuanced and tangible way, you become real. A real live human person with knowledge that can help them, not a weirdo robot with something to sell.
Combine that with processes and systems that make copy and content creation for your business simple, and you’re gonna see people flocking to you.
I’m confident in it.
So, how do you know if Words That Convert is right for you?
Welp, this course IS for you if…
βοΈ You use words to sell things online
βοΈ You have an online course, membership, service, coaching program, or shop and have to consistently write copy and content for your own business
βοΈ You’re really tired of staring at your computer only to jump in your inbox and swipe the last sales email someone sent you...only for it to bomb when you send it to your people
βοΈ You spent hours and hours writing your last funnel or website without any evidence or confidence that you were writing the right messages in the write place at the right time
βοΈ Trying to talk to your people feels like trying to explain math to a 2-year-old...it makes perfect sense in your head but they’re still serving you blank stares
βοΈ You’re really tired of recycling the same old gimmicks again and again out of the marketing gurus bag o’ tricks without rhyme or reason (or conversion)
βοΈ You want to optimize your existing copy, but you have no idea why it’s not working...so you don’t know what to do to fix it
βοΈ You see the marketing landscape changing before your eyes and you’d like your business to sound a little more like a human talking to humans than an infomercial yelling at an insomniac at 3 am
But, this course is NOT for you if:
β You’ve got copy foundations down to a science, your words convert and you’re needing advanced marketing strategies to write complex funnels
β You just want copy swipes, not strategy
β You don’t care what you say or how you say it...as long as people buy
So, which list sounds more like you? If it’s the second one, then this may not be what you’re needing right now.
But if it’s the first, then come one inside Words That Convert! I think it’s just the thing you’ve been looking for.